Community Engagment Market - GT240314

Community Engagment Market

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Activity Details

Community Engagment Market

Meeting Details

Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Days: Mon
Grant Center
285 Livingston Street
Asheville, NC, 28801

Community Engagment Market

The Community Engagement Markets are open to the community and located throughout Buncombe County. These markets offer a way to build relationships and connections through the provision of food provided by MANNA at no cost to the public, along with resource connections to services offered by the County and community partners. Markets are supported by a network of volunteers, who support their neighbors by sharing their time to help increase access to healthy food and connections to County and community resources.

Mondays, April 22, June 24, July 22, August 26
Thursday, May 30 due to Memorial Day Holiday
3:00pm-5:00pm or until supplies last
Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center
For more information call 828-259-5483 or email [email protected]


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