Day Trips - Fall - HH240402
Day Trips - Morganton
Day Trips - Morganton
Title: Day Trips - Morganton
Date: October 10
Time: 10am-4:30pm
Age: 18+
Fee: $2.00
Contact Information: Contact Harvest House at 828-350-2051 for more information.
Explore the sights, shops, and have lunch in the sleepy North Carolina town of Morganton.
Date: October 10
Time: 10am-4:30pm
Age: 18+
Fee: $2.00
Contact Information: Contact Harvest House at 828-350-2051 for more information.
Explore the sights, shops, and have lunch in the sleepy North Carolina town of Morganton.
Charge When Not Billed:
Transportation Fee (Standard Fee): $2.00 = $2.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Transportation Fee (Standard Fee): $2.00 = $2.00