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Youth Glow Climb - OR240412

Youth Glow Climb
Fridays, September 20th and December 6th from 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Tempie Avery Montford Center - Climbing Wall
Ages 6-17 years old with an adult
Fee: $5
Registration Required

Join us for an evening of climbing on the Montford Wall. No experience required! The climbing wall will be lit with black lights, so we suggest participants wear white or neon colors.

For more information, contact Grace Whitaker at [email protected]
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Add To Selection List Available Youth Glow Climb 12/06/2024 -12/06/2024 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm F Montford Complex $5.00/$5.00 6-17.99
Little Monkeys

Little Monkeys - OR240414

Little Monkeys
Tuesdays, November 19th - December 17th from 10:00-10:45am
Tempie Avery Montford Center - Gymnasium
3 - 5 years old with an adult
Fee: $25
Registration Required

A mix of fun games and activities for your little adventurer who loves to climb and scramble their way around the house. We’ll focus on building your toddler’s motor skills & balance climbing and playing both on and off the Montford Wall. This is a progressive class building new skills weekly.

To provide the best experience for your child, this class may be canceled if it does not meet minimum registration numbers.
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Add To Selection List Available Little Monkeys 11/19/2024 -12/17/2024 10:00 am -10:45 am Tu Montford Complex $25.00/$25.00 3-5.99

Youth Beginner Climbing - OR240418

Youth Beginner Climbing
Mondays, December 2nd, 9th and 16th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tempie Avery Montford Center - Gymnasium
Ages 8-12
Fee: $25
Registration Required

A 3 week instructional climbing class for beginners ages 8-12 years old and their guardians. A parent or guardian must attend and be prepared to participate and belay their child. Fee includes climbing gear, instruction, and belay training for parents and guardians. Maximum 10 participants.

For more information, contact Grace Whitaker at [email protected]
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Add To Selection List Available Youth Beginner Climbing 12/02/2024 -12/16/2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm M Montford Complex $20.00/$20.00 7-12.99